A patient with an eating disorder is known because of irregular eating habits or over worrying about their weight and size. A patient of an eating disorder either eats more food than his need or reduces the amount of food so much that it becomes a risk for his life. The disorder related to eating […]
Benefits of taking Vitamin C in your diet
Vitamin C is a vital nutrient which is needed in the human body. There are various benefits of taking vitamin C as it is required by human body for the maintenance and development of scars, tissue, cartilage, blood vessels etc.. Vitamin C is a powerful nutrient that helps reduce oxidative stress to the body. Taking […]
Why you should avoid excess consumption of tea?
Side Effects of Tea There is no doubt that a cup of tea makes you active and energetic. For tea lovers, tea is emotion, love, or a company that chills your mood from a hectic schedule. Whether there is celebration or sorrow, the only perpetual is tea in this world. Tea is one of the […]
Different types of oils on the basis of processing
When it comes to oil, we always relate it to high cholesterol, weight gain and classify the oils into good oils and bad oils. Nowadays, I am pretty sure the majority of people considers olive oil and rice bran oil for cooking. It is because they have amazing benefits on health but, does that mean the oil or ghee which we have been using […]
7 Smart ways to cut down calories from your diet
Weight loss is not about going for extreme diets. We can cut down some calories in our regular diet very easily. All you have to pay little attention on what you are eating. Some tricks to save calories from your meals. Instead of whole milk use low fat milk . Avoid using high fat dressing […]
ब्राउन राइस के फायदे हैं अनेक
चावल खाना किसे पसंद नहीं होता है लेकिन चावल खाने से लोगों को कई तरह की परेशानियां जैसे वजन बढ़ना और डायबिटीज का खतरा बढ़ जाता है। लेकिन अब सफेद चावल की तुलना में अगर ब्राउन राइस खाया जाए तो ये मुश्किलें कुछ कम हो जाती हैं। ब्राउन राइस में फास्फोरस, मैंग्नीज, सैलेनियम, तांबा और […]